Santa Maria Police Warning about an Online Scam

(SANTA MARIA, California) – Precautions need to be taken while dealing with any payday loans, Cash Advance, Cash Loans as the news that has come out is that Green Payday Loans has cheated may people of their money. This scam has been disclosed by The Santa Maria Police Department and the Department has urged people not to be give money to anyone without verifying their identity and registration number.

The Online Scam Website Green Payday Loans used to get personal information of people over the internet and then they would make false promises to those people to purchase pre-paid debit card at some nominal amount which they assured to be adjusted afterwards. After receiving the money from customer, the company would stop all correspondence with the customer.

Someone from Santa Maria has already fallen victim to this.

See the picture of the scam website:

“We at always follow the legal terms and Conditions and are providing services that are totally clean from any aspect. We are against any illegal lenders and procedures and give our customers a transparent services.”


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